Saturday, April 20, 2013
We do not need more Gun Purchase background checks!
Criminals DO NOT subject themselves to background checks, they simply steal the weapon or purchase it on the black market! Adam Lanza is the perfect example of this! Adam Lanza did not buy the weapons he used to commit his crimes, he murdered his mother, then stole them from her! Answer me this, what actions did Adam Lanza take that was not already illegal when he committed them? Answer: NONE!
Everything Adam Lanza did during the execution of his crimes was already illegal, yet, despite the fact that they were illegal, he still committed those crimes! We do not need new laws or background checks, what we need is a well armed citizenry, that is self-governing and self-sufficient! An armed society IS a polite society. It is a proven fact that more guns, truly does mean less crime. To date, the only solution to a bad person with a gun, is a good person with a gun!
So, you still think background checks could have prevented mass murders? Let’s talk about James Holmes. Shall we? James Holmes purchased his weapons legally, thru licensed firearms dealers, he purchased his ammunition legally as well. This fact, we can all agree on. The fact is James Holmes DID have a background check performed when he purchased the weapons he used. A background check is as useless as telling a dope dealer to "Just say NO to drugs"!
In the end, James Holmes admitted to authorities that he selected that specific theatre because it prohibited it’s patrons from carrying concealed weapons while in the theatre. Had there been armed citizens in that theatre, the outcome would have resulted in a lot less loss of life, and his assault would have been stopped sooner.
Again your comments are futile, because no matter how much you hate to hear it, the ONLY answer to a bad person with a gun, is a GOOD person with a gun. Criminals DO NOT subject themselves to background checks, they simply steal the weapon, or purchase it on the black market. More guns = LESS CRIME!
We do not need more gun control legislation! What we need is LESS gun control legislation! When you are in a town where almost every voting age adult is armed with a firearm of some sort, the crime in that town drops dramatically, in fact it almost disappears completely! According to the FBI, 5000 convicted criminals were surveyed, of those surveyed, 56 percent claimed that they would not attack a potential victim who was known to be armed. Indeed, the criminals in states with high civilian gun ownership were the most worried about encountering armed victims. Simply put. Criminals are motivated by self- preservation, and handguns can therefore be a deterrent. The potential defensive nature of guns is further evidenced by the different rates of so- called “hot burglaries,” where a resident is at home when a criminal strikes. In Canada and Britain, both with tough gun- control laws, almost half of all burglaries are “hot burglaries.” In contrast, the United States, with fewer restrictions, has a “hot burglary” rate of only 13 percent. Criminals are not just behaving differently by accident. Convicted American felons reveal in surveys that they are much more worried about armed victims than about running into the police. The fear of potentially armed victims causes American burglars to spend more time than their foreign counterparts “casing” a house to ensure that nobody is home. Felons frequently comment in these interviews that they avoid late- night burglaries because “that’s the way to get shot.”
The truth is in the numbers.
Statistics show that crime rates drop in rural & urban areas where gun ownership is on the rise. When fifteen national polls, including those by organizations such as the Los Angeles Times, Gallup, and Peter Hart Research Associates, imply that there are 760,000 defensive handgun uses to 3.6 million defensive uses of any type of gun per year.
I'll take it even farther than that. Sandy Hook Elementary School is the perfect example for this. Yes it's tragic that 20 innocent children were murdered at Sandy Hook. But what about the more than 2080 lives that were saved that day across the nation because of a gun? The Progressive Liberals don't talk about that little inconvenient fact, do they? The fact is, over 2,080 people are saved every day in the United States BECAUSE of a gun! Yet, we never hear about those figures do we? Nope! We only hear the progressives talk about how many people died in a mass shooting. If the Liberal progressives were really so appalled about the 20 dead children at Sandy hook, how come they are not appalled about the 55 million innocent unborn children that have been murdered since the passage of Roe vs. Wade? The fact is, the Progressives really don't care about the 20 children that were murdered, truth be told, they really could care less about background checks at all, they only want to use the Sandy Hook tragedy as a tool to advance their leftist Progressive agenda designed to deny you of your liberties and freedoms, and enslave you further under the control of the Government.
Bottom line is, it all boils down to control. Control of your life via legislation and criminalization of the law abiding citizen!
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